The NCST Field Report

The NCST Field Report is a service of Newnan Coweta Scanner Traffic and provides a daily morning email ( except on Monday ) that provides important information for the current day, a summary of the previous days’ coverage, and updates for recent important or high-profile incidents.

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Do you want an email each morning that provides you with an update on the important news of the day? For Free? Then make sure to subscribe!

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Each Morning, Monday through Friday

The expected publishing schedule for the NCST Field Report is daily, Monday through Friday, around 7 AM.

Monday’s post will include a summary of the incidents that were covered over the weekend.

Breaking News and More Coverage

To get Breaking News and additional coverage, make sure to visit our website and follow us on the following social media accounts.

Subscribe to NCST Field Report

The NCST Field Report brings a summary of the previous days' coverage by NCST to your inbox each morning.


Newnan Coweta Scanner Traffic is a media site that reports on crime, traffic, and weather in and around Coweta County Georgia